Study Finds Humans are Changing the Behavior of Wildlife

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Scientific studies have now proven that wildlife are responding to interactions with humans by changing their own time of activity. From hunting to a mere walk in the woods, the animals across the globe are becoming more nocturnal (activities conducted at night.) Remember that when we visit natural lands, we may be enjoying them temporarily, but these lands are considered the permanent “home” for our wild friends. Be a good visitor, please. Read the Los Angeles Times article.

Wonders of Wildlife

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One of our Nature Workshops, funded by the Barbara Lee Fish Memorial Education Fund. Learn about how animals are adapted to their environment and why they are an important part of their ecosystem. Cheryl from Wonders of Wildlife will present her animal ambassadors and we will follow the presentation with a hike through our preserve to talk about our local wildlife and its importance.

Nature Workshop: Animal Presentation

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Nature of Wildworks will give a special animal presentation to highlight the animals in our local habitats as well as the importance of wild spaces to ensure their survival. All animals in the program are rehabilitated, non-releasable animal ambassadors. A short, docent led hike will follow the presentation. • What to bring: Water. Wear comfortable clothing and shoes for hiking.

Wildlife Track Hike

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Use any of the trails in the Puente Hills and you’ll likely see some kind of tracks in the dirt. At casual glance, the tracks are mostly those of hiking boots, running shoes, or mountain bike tires. But look closer and all kinds of animal tracks can be found as well. Join this 2.8 mile easy hike on a trail open for a guided hikes only. Trail Access is via a dirt road with a lowlying gate across the street … Read More

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