Cougar Hit/Killed Along 60 Freeway

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Check out this article from the San Gabriel Valley Tribune on the recent cougar death. This roadkill cougar was named M-318 as it was a male (M) and the 318th cougar studied by the UC Davis Wildlife Research team led by Dr. Winston Vickers. Genetic tests are being conducted to see what population this cougar comes from. We will report those out when we know the answer. View the San Gabriel Valley Tribune article.

Bobcat Facts

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Did you know bobcats are the most numerous wild cats in the Americas and that they are found in the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor? These felines are much smaller than cougars and have smaller territories. Unlike cougars whose tails are nearly as long as their body, bobcats have a short, stubby tail (see photo!). Bobcats are generally solitary animals who avoid human contact.

Dog on Dirt Trails Don’t Mix

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State Parks are not created for dogs. State Parks are created to protect the native plants and animals. For example, when dogs urinate, their scent can disrupt the normal foraging of mule deer whose nourishment needs are highly specific. You may see your dog as a pet, but a deer smells a canine predator. Chino Hills State Park also offers an array of dangers to your pet: ticks, inhaled foxtails, and rattlesnake bites are just a few. It is certainly … Read More

June E-Newsletter Released

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Learn about how humans impact our wildlands and their inhabitants and why dogs are only allowed in some places. Following park rules is a must to maintain the ecological integrity of the land. Also, information on new heli-hydrants is covered as well. View the June 2021 E-Newsletter.

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