Parkland Gets Funding Throughout OC

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We are thrilled to have our work on Chino Hills State Park showcased in conjunction with partners across the region like The Trust for Public Land and Rise Up Willowick. Residents and non-profits advocating for land protection is not a new thing, but it sure has gained momentum with the pandemic and realization of the need for more local outdoor options. View the Voice of OC article.

State Park Featured in Article

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Here is the second in a three part series on wildfires in Orange County. This article focuses on Chino Hills State Park and how it has an unnatural fire frequency. Too many fires burning the land is having big impacts on the plants and animals–all the reasons the park was protected. View the Voice of OC article.

Help Save OC Trees – Take Action NOW

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Orange County friends: Here is a “participate from home” action you can take to benefit native trees. The OC Board of Supervisors considers a new Tree Preservation Policy on Tuesday, May 5th. Lands proposed for addition to this new policy include land/trees in and adjacent to Chino Hills State Park in Brea. Please make your voice heard if you live in Orange County by calling your supervisor to support this policy (details/talking points in the email)

Brea Canyon Road Widening Project

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An Environmental Impact Report is being written for a project that widens 1.75 miles of Brea Canyon Road, which parallels much of the 57 Freeway and dumps into Brea at State College/Central.  Orange County Public Works is preparing this environmental review ans says the project helps completes the Master Plan of Arterial Highways.  No funding exists to even build it yet, but this project would help facilitate the 3,600 unit Shell-Area project which straddles Orange and Los Angeles Counties in the … Read More

Remembering the 2008 Freeway Fire

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Let us not forget the significance of November 15, 2008. Eight years ago today the Freeway Complex Fire raced through four counties and burned over 30,000 acres right here where we all live. Ninety-five percent of Chino Hills State Park was burned. Over 300 homes were damaged or destroyed. The fire taught us many lessons, let’s hope these lessons still resonate with elected officials when making policy decisions near our wildlands. Public safety is paramount.

Fire Dangers in OC Canyons

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The OC Register released an article on the risks of building homes in the canyons. Not only do firefighters have to contend with rugged terrain, but they must also deal with winding, narrow and dead-end streets. Taxpayers bear the burden of paying for homes in dangerous locations when fires strike. Maybe it is time to stop building houses at the Wildland-Urban Interface?


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See the proposal level the backdrop of Brea to add 3,600 houses on 3,000 acres in Los Angeles and Orange County.  This land connects the protected areas on the western side of the hills to the eastern side of the hills.  It is known as the Missing Middle of the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor. Learn more about Shell-Aera by following this link.

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