Hills For Everyone consultant Melanie Schlotterbeck leads the 100+ member Southland 30×30 Coalition under the umbrella of the Power In Nature Coalition.

Monthly meetings guide discussions on how to achieve 30×30, feature presentations, and provide for a discussion on legislative, funding, and project challenges/opportunities.

Below are the workshop recordings from past meetings.

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Presentation: National Park Service Rivers, Trails, and Conservation Assistance Grant Program

Speaker: Anne Dove, National Park Service

Date: January 27, 2025

This presentation outlined an upcoming federal grant to provide professional services to help communities achieve their conservation and outdoor recreation project vision. Through an application process, community groups, nonprofit organizations, tribal governments, national parks, and local, state and federal agencies can apply for NPS-RTCA technical assistance. Deadline March 1, 2025.

Presentation: Formation and Preparedness: The Authority’s Journey

Speaker: Andrea Gullo, Puente Hills Habitat Authority

Date: August 12, 2024

This presentation highlights information regarding the Authority’s formation through landfill tipping fees, and now its preservation and wildfire preparedness activities. Plans to address financial challenges as a local government agency will be covered too!

Presentation: Bureau of Land Management & 30×30

Speaker: Jack Hamby, Bureau of Land Management

Date: May 13, 2024

The presentation covers a variety of topics including grazing, fires, tribal partnerships, access, and the tie to 30×30 by BLM staffer Jack Hamby.

Presentation: Working with CA Department of Fish and Wildlife

Speaker: Erinn Wilson, CA Department of Fish and Wildlife

Date: April 8, 2024

Region 5 Regional Manager Erinn Wilson focused on understanding how the Department prioritizes lands, evaluates landscapes that have been impacted by wildfire or grazing, and how it relays priorities to funding agencies including CDFW and Wildlife Conservation Board.

Presentation: A Report on CA State Parks & Their Climate Resilience

Speaker: Dr. Emily Doyle, California State Parks Foundation

Date: March 11, 2024

Dr. Emily Doyle with the California State Parks Foundation reviewed the successes, challenges, and opportunities to build a climate-resilient California State Park system that will endure for generations to come.

Presentation: View a Sneak Peek of So Cal Earth

Speaker: Dr. Susan Phillips, Pitzer College (Robert Redford Conservancy)

Date: February 13, 2024

Susan presented a selection of maps, data, stories, and interactivities about climate and environmental issues. Targeting everything from tree canopy placement to ecological connectivity and more, So Cal Earth is designed to be a central hub for environmental data and transformation!

Presentation: A David vs. Goliath Story: Saving Banning Ranch

Speaker: Terry M. Welsh, MD, Banning Ranch Conservancy

Date: January 8, 2024

Terry M. Welsh, MD, walked through the 25 year history of preserving Banning Ranch, now called the Randall Preserve. He outlined the development proposals, court challenges, Coastal Commission decision, and ultimately the landowner’s decision to sell for conservation. The unique role of private funding was the catalyst for preservation. Near the end of his presentation he lists out some tips on being successful for those facing an uphill battle.

Presentation: Learn How Agencies Prioritize Conservation Projects & Partner

Speaker: Aaron Gabbe, Western Riverside Conservation Authority

Date: June 19, 2023

Riverside County created a Multi-Species Habitat Conservation Plan to offset impacts from transportation and housing projects. Learn how the Regional Conservation Authority prioritizes its conservation projects and understand how this mechanism works to align with potential partnership opportunities.

Presentation: SCAG’s Connect SoCal

Speaker: Amy White, Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Parks

Date: May 15, 2023

This presentation informs the Southland 30×30 Coalition of the upcoming Regional Transportation Plan and Sustainable Communities Strategy documents being created by the Southern California Association of Governments (SCAG). SCAG is soliciting input on the plans, collectively called Connect SoCal. Participants were asked to complete a survey to provide feedback to SCAG on the plans and conservation-focused policies.

Presentation: The Four Justices

Speaker: Charles Thomas, Outward Bound Adventures

Date: April 17, 2023

Charles Thomas focuses on what we as individuals and organizations can do to improve diversity and equity in our work. He shares examples of his cutting edge work with training at-risk youth in conservation jobs. These concepts will be covered in his new book (out around the end of 2023) called The Hood to the Woods.

Presentation: The Senate Committee on Environmental Quality & the Climate Bond

Speaker: Tina Andolina, Office of Senator Ben Allen

Date: February 20, 2023

Tina Andolina outlined the ways the budget cuts impacts 30×30 investments, the role of the Senate Committee on Environmental Quality plays into the 30×30 initiative, and the potential for a natural resources and climate resilience bond.

Presentation: Pathways to 30×30

Speaker: Madeline Drake, Assistant Secretary of Habitat and Biodiversity with the California Natural Resources Agency

Date: January 23, 2023

The presentation outlines the 10 Pathways to achieving 30×30 and relayed the importance of using the CA Nature Mapping tools to promote projects.

Presentation: California Nature (30×30) Mapping

Speaker: Dr. Nathaniel Roth, California Department of Conservation

Date: December 12, 2022

This presentation walks the audience through the various publicly available tools, open data sets, modeling, and explorers available via California Nature.