January 2024 E-Newsletter
Hills For Everyone’s January e-newsletter spotlights: two upcoming decisions, a recently funded acquisition, the return of Glenn Parker to our board, and the loss of Cliff the mountain lion. Read the e-newsletter.
Hills For Everyone’s January e-newsletter spotlights: two upcoming decisions, a recently funded acquisition, the return of Glenn Parker to our board, and the loss of Cliff the mountain lion. Read the e-newsletter.
Some good advice from our friends at the Mountain Lion Foundation.
The groundbreaking of the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing was celebrated by Governor Gavin Newsom and many other elected leaders this spring. California needs to add more crossings if we’re to truly address habitat fragmentation. Support for the Safe Roads and Wildlife Protection Act, or A.B. 2344, will go a long way toward implementing more wildlife crossings on our roads and freeways.
We are pleased to see M317 continue to look for a safe place to call home. Let’s hope he isn’t struck by a car anytime soon and is (in time) able to find a mate! Cougars like him are the reason Hills For Everyone focused on saving Coal Canyon Wildlife Crossing under the 91 Freeway. View the Orange County Register article.
We are deeply saddened to learn of the death of the five year old mountain lion dubbed “Scar” and “El Cobre.” There are less than two dozen cougars left in the Santa Ana Mountains. Scar was illegally shot and his body was not found where the shooting occurred–meaning he was mortally wounded and walked off to his death. His radio collar signaled the “mortality alert” with his lack of movement over an eight hour period. The SoCal subspecies of mountain … Read More
This is a great public service announcement as a follow up to the mountain lion story earlier this week. Watch and enjoy. Thanks Humboldt Redwoods State Park!
The Mountain Lion Foundation makes very important points about wildlife behavior and how to handle a cougar encounter. Please read the full press release to understand how this incident has been taken out of context. View the Foundation’s Press Release.
This is a heartwarming story of a rescued mountain lion cub discovered near Idyllwild that was emaciated, dehydrated, and facing other medical complications. Normally, cougar cubs stay with their mom for a year, but this one appeared to be orphaned at just 14 weeks. The good news is the little cub is doing much better thanks to the swift action and great care of the Humane Society. Since our local mountain lion population is so threatened, every possible life that … Read More
This is just sooo sad. These freeway locations (like Liberty Canyon at the 101) need to be retrofitted as quickly as possible or we will continue to have these unnecessary deaths. State laws should change so that any future road/highway project must address the needs of wildlife movement. If you budget for it now, it is cheaper than retrofitting for it later. We must do better.
In the wee hours of the morning, the legislative session ended with the Assembly and Senate taking their last votes on proposed legislation. Some bills made it out (and go to the Governor’s desk) and some didn’t. One bill that our organization supported, AB 1788, (authored by Assemblymember Bloom) is on its way to the Governor’s desk. According to the Mountain Lion Foundation, “studies show that 80-90% of predators [like mountain lions and bobcats] have been exposed to highly toxic … Read More