Safeguard the Hills: Your Support is Needed
Numerous threats exist that could sever the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor. Your support is critical to our success. Learn more:
Numerous threats exist that could sever the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor. Your support is critical to our success. Learn more:
The story of P-22 (the mountain lion in the Hollywood Hills) improved global understanding of the plight of this majestic creature (and other cougars too). P-22 inspired the wildlife bridge over the 101 Freeway. Check out this video to learn more:
Rowland Heights, La Habra Heights, and Hacienda Heights residents should submit letters of support to the Los Angeles County Regional Planning Commission by Wednesday, July 26th to support the zone change of the Aera Energy lands in the Wildlife Corridor. View the E-Alert:
Submit Your Comments On the Proposed Zone Change of the Aera Lands LA County Commissioners will consider reducing the number of units that can be built on Aera’s 2,700 acres. Submit your comments by July 26th! Share this widely! Read the Action Alert.
Hills For Everyone was featured in the Orange County Register article, which highlighted our successful work to stop the expansion of the Brea Canyon Road project. #WildlifeCorridor #Conservation #Coalitions View the OC Register article.
From Vermont to Montana, California to Florida–the retrofitting of roadways with wildlife overpasses or underpasses is finally gaining traction. With ~1.5 million vehicle-wildlife collisions each year and costing more than $8 billion annually it is time we start providing safe passages for deer, cougars, elk, alligators, bears, porcupines, etc. In the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor, Coal Canyon was the first preserved wildlife underpass. The second, was the retrofitting and addition of an underpass at Harbor Blvd. More locations are in … Read More
Coal Canyon at the 91 freeway is a wildlife undercrossing below the highway. This version (below) is above the roadway. It seems like a great success. We must continue to connect our wildlands or the species will eventually begin to die out.
Coal Canyon at the 91 freeway is a wildlife undercrossing below the highway. This version (below) is above the roadway. It seems like a great success. We must continue to connect our wildlands or the species will eventually begin to die out. View the Twitter video.
The County of Los Angeles is holding a virtual scoping meeting for the proposed Hsi Lai Monastery Expansion in Hacienda Heights on November 19, 2020. The expansion is proposed to include 17 buildings including dorms, residential buildings, programming space, and a seven level subterranean parking garage. Read our e-alert on the meeting.
Cuteness overload. Who knew these unlikely friends (a coyote and a badger) would use a wildlife tunnel TOGETHER? (Video: Coyote excitedly greets a badger to walk through wildlife tunnel together. The montage also includes raccoons, a skunk, a bobcat, and deer going through a wildlife culvert and underpass also.)