Mountain Lion Dies on Freeway

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This is just sooo sad. These freeway locations (like Liberty Canyon at the 101) need to be retrofitted as quickly as possible or we will continue to have these unnecessary deaths. State laws should change so that any future road/highway project must address the needs of wildlife movement. If you budget for it now, it is cheaper than retrofitting for it later. We must do better.

Rodenticides Kill More Than Rodents

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There have been several reports of dead animals throughout the hills. One day bunnies in the yard, the next day dead bunnies in the yard. Consequently, it seemed like a good time to remind everyone that there are ways to peacefully co-exist with nature when you live at the wildland-urban interface. Just like the Lion King story goes–we are all part of the circle of life. When one part of the circle is impacted, all parts are impacted. The fact … Read More

Trees Under Attack By Tiny, But Deadly Pests

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Our trees are under attack by any number of little tiny pests that present big problems for their survival. According to this Los Angeles Times article, 38% of all SoCal trees are at risk of dying. Without trees the look, feel, smell, and shade provided by the trees will change in the region. Read the Los Angeles Times article.

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