Cougar Corridor Moving Forward

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Scientists are leading the charge to get a wildlife crossing over the 101 freeway where numerous mountain lions have unsuccessfully crossed this massive freeway. Without proper mating options the mountain lions end up reproducing with their offspring. This leads to genetic problems within the species. Correcting planning errors that haven’t allowed for wildlife movement is one of the next important steps needed for ensuring the long-term viability of all species. Keep up the great work! Check out the Los Angeles … Read More

Wildlife Corridor Secured

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Congrats to local conservation groups (The Nature Conservancy included) and wildlife researchers for this much needed purchase in Riverside County. Without this connection in the Palomar Range, wildlife in the Santa Ana Mountains (and therefore, Puente-Chino Hills), would be stranded (geographically and genetically). Over time, inbreeding would occur within the population and the species would die out. Great work keeping this top level predator (the cougar) safe. Check out the Temecula Valley Development article.

July E-Newsletter Released

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The excessive heat seems to be drawing out all sorts of wildlife!  Remember to keep your animals and their food or water dishes inside.  This newsletter includes three updates: the recent tour of the proposed Hidden Oaks project in Chino Hills, the sighting of a cougar in the State Park, and a Save The Date for our next Stop Madrona fundraiser.   Enjoy this brief update and your summer plans for August! View the newsletter.

Mountain Lion Spotted in Park

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From Chino Hills State Park staff: Still getting reports of mountain lion sightings in and near Chino Hills State Park. These predators roam miles through vast territories and are an essential element in the food chain and health of the ecosystem. Be alert and aware while enjoying the park! You can obtain more information on mountain lions on the California Department of Fish and Wildlife website.

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