Careless Humans Kill 1,500 Terns

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We can only hope that future generations of Elegant Terns do not face the same fate as the ones from this year. Can you imagine and entire colony killed because of careless human actions? This is exactly why Chino Hills State Park and the Puente Hills Habitat Preservation Authority Preserve have rules. The land is there for the plants and animals first, humans have the co-benefit of recreating there and enjoying nature. Please, please obey the speed limit, don’t use … Read More

Off-Leash Dogs Pose Risk, Obey Rules

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This is an important reminder to not only keep your dog on leash, but also to only use trails where dogs are allowed. While it may fun to bring Fido out, there are risk for the dog (rattlesnake bites) and risks for the wildlife (injury or death). Many people don’t realize when a coyote smells dog urine or feces, the dog has invaded its territory. Please obey all signs, trail maps and bulletins. Descriptions of what is allowed in the … Read More

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