Wildlife Safe Crossings

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Hills For Everyone is one of many organizations supporting AB 2344 (Friedman/Kalra), which would allow wildlife to safely traverse roads via crossings on new and existing highways. Not only are animals no match for vehicles, estimates are over $1B in damages to vehicles with hundreds of human injuries and five fatalities. AB 2344 goes before the CA Senate Appropriations Committee Thursday for a vote. Read the Los Angeles Times article.

Support for AB2344

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The groundbreaking of the Wallis Annenberg Wildlife Crossing was celebrated by Governor Gavin Newsom and many other elected leaders this spring. California needs to add more crossings if we’re to truly address habitat fragmentation. Support for the Safe Roads and Wildlife Protection Act, or A.B. 2344, will go a long way toward implementing more wildlife crossings on our roads and freeways.

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