SB 266 Support Letters

SB 266 Support Letters

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Hills For Everyone is looking for support letters for its bill SB 266. Because the bill hasn’t yet been scheduled for a hearing, we are asking you to submit your letters to us to relay as a package to the Committee. Send your support letter to us as soon as possible. The sample is below.



Senate Committee on Natural Resources & Water
State Capitol, Room 5046
Sacramento, CA 95814
RE:  SB 266 (Newman) – SUPPORT
Dear Honorable Chair Henry Stern,
I am writing to support SB 266, the Chino Hills State Park expansion bill.  

The State Park benefits residents and businesses in four counties in Southern California: Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino, and Los Angeles. I live in __________ .

<Insert Personalized Content>

This bill begins to address a much needed reboot of renewed land acquisition for California’s State Park system. It also meets the goals of the 30 x 30 campaign to protect 30% of California’s natural lands and coastal waters by 2030. Our parks have made a world of difference during the pandemic, we urge your support of this bill. Thank you for considering this input from a supporter of the State Park.


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