Hills For Everyone focuses its efforts on the preservation of the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor. This video captures some of the highlights of our work from 2021. The focus is maintaining the highest predator–cougars–and their movement areas. Several wildlife corridors have already been protected (Coal Canyon and Harbor Blvd.) and several remain at risk (Brea Canyon Rd. and Hacienda Blvd.). Two proposals could sever the connectivity: the widening of Brea Canyon Rd. and the expansion of the Hsi Lai Temple. Through Hills For Everyone’s facilitation 410 acres were protected with 800 acres in need of protection. Our bill, SB 266, passed the Legislature and was signed by the Governor allowing Chino Hills State Park to grow with these recent acquisitions. Thank you for your continued support. Your financial contributions make this work possible. Learn more about what we do on our website: www.HillsForEveryone.org
2021 Recap Video
on February 7, 2022
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