Prop 68 Approved by Voters

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Yesterday was an important day for conservation. Prop 68 was approved by voters with 56% of the vote. You may recall it is the first Park Bond Act in 15 years! This bond measure focuses on many things including fighting climate change, providing better access to parks and open space–especially for disadvantaged communities, and addresses the threats our state faces from drought, wildfire, and flood. Voters sent a clear message that they support investing in our natural resources. What does … Read More

SF Chronicle Endorses Prop 68

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Another great endorsement for Proposition 68 (the Park Bond Act). The measure includes a more local focus for our parks, beaches, and waterways, which is helpful to our regional efforts. Hills For Everyone support Prop 68 and with the absentee ballots officially out—we urge you to vote Yes on 68. Read the San Francisco Chronicle article.

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