Take Action on 30×30
We urge you to take action asking your state legislators to make investments in the 30×30 campaign. Without adequate funding, this is simply a wish! Let’s conserve important landscapes together!
We urge you to take action asking your state legislators to make investments in the 30×30 campaign. Without adequate funding, this is simply a wish! Let’s conserve important landscapes together!
Great opportunities exist for preserving land and wildlife–and great threats exist for destroying it. Please consider an end of year gift. It’s tax deductible. View our End of the Year E-Appeal.
Thank you so much to Assemblyman Phillip Chen for his great presentation on SB 266 on the Assembly Floor. The bill passed the floor 63-0 and goes back to the Senate for concurrence on amendments. More progress made! Thanks to Senator Josh Newman for his persistence with this bill.
In a very contrasting post to our last one, we are excited to announce that our Chino Hills State Park expansion bill (SB 266 – Senator Josh Newman) unanimously passed the Assembly Appropriations Committee this morning. Next up the Assembly Floor vote.
More coverage in the Voice of OC on the recent conservation acquisitions. There continues to be more work to do–we won’t let up! And, yes the long term goal is to get these lands into State Park ownership, but our short term goal is to get them protected. View the Voice of OC article.