Sept. 10 – Coast Horned Lizards

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Celebrate the diversity of species found in the Puente-Chino Hills Wildlife Corridor with another unique species: Coast Horned Lizard. This reptile enjoys friable sandy soils in Coastal Sage Scrub and Chaparral habitats. The horns and spikes on the lizard’s exterior help deter predators from eating it. Speaking of eating, the lizard feasts on beetles, bees, termites, ants, and grasshoppers. The Wildlife Corridor has Coast Horned Lizards throughout the hills as well, but it is considered a candidate species for protection … Read More

Chaparral is All Over California

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Did you know that chaparral is a shrubland habitat found in every county in California? Yep! It is especially found in foothill elevations and is adapted to hotter and drier summers with wetter winters. Many shrubs have evolved to have small tough leaves to reduce water loss. Visit for great information.

Fire Myths Clarified

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This is an important article to carefully read and slowly absorb about fires (especially the myths about forest fires versus chaparral fires). Fuel reduction has been the hot topic to “keep communities safe,” but in reality, the science is showing fires in these logged areas are actually burning hotter and more intensely. Spend some quality time reading this. Many thanks to Chad Hanson with the John Muir Project for his years of fire science work. View the article in Governing.

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