Aerial View of Poppy Bloom

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Our comfort post for today is another super bloom photo of Chino Hills State Park. The airplane is flying near the 91 freeway heading toward 71 freeway. Among the green grasses you can see the numerous orange slopes and ridgelines of California Poppies. Many of the blooms were accessible by the road or by trail. (Remember always stay on designated trails otherwise park resources get ruined).

California Poppies

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Our first request for photos was the mega-bloom from last year, so here is a photo from 2019 of the poppies and green hills in Chino Hills State Park. A little background: the California poppy (Eschscholzia californica) became the state flower in 1903–therefore it is protected. This means you can’t destroy, harm or pick the flower. (Which is actually true of all resources in our State Park system–rocks, feathers, branches, flowers, etc. are all protected.) The flower tends to be found … Read More

Wildflower Updates

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Due to the popularity of our wildflowers and a maximum capacity of the Chino Hills State Park entry road. The gates at our Chino Hills entrance on Sapphire Road do get closed when we reach capacity. At that point we let vehicle traffic in and out on a car by car basis. Please remember to stay on trails. Bare patches of dirt off trail might be a good place to take the perfect photo but using those areas still harms … Read More

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