CHINO HILLS STATE PARK will REOPEN TODAY, Tuesday, December 23, 2014 at 8 AM.
The park will reopen this morning. There are some areas which still have some standing water. Please walk or ride around these areas to protect the trail.
High winds are forecasted for today which will continue to loosen the Russian thistle (tumbleweeds) in and around the park causing them to gather in certain areas making some trails difficult to pass or impassable. Damp and soft soils may cause some trees to fall. Use caution in these areas.
Lower Aliso Trail is difficult to access as the Aliso Creek has blown out several of the trail crossings especially at the Santa Ana River Trail near the Green River Golf Course.
Most trails impacted with tumbleweeds and fallen trees will not be able to be cleared until after the New Year.
Bane Canyon Road and the North Ridge Trail between the trailhead near the Discovery Center and the Gilman Trail remain closed.
Dogs are not allowed in the park.
The park hours are daily 8 AM to 5 PM. The Discovery Center building will be closed over the holiday period. Parking in the Discovery Center parking lot is $5 per vehicle by self registration.