Esperanza HillsThis project lies in an unincorporated portion of Yorba Linda and therefore the land use decisions will be governed by the County of Orange.


  • The City of Yorba Linda denied the applicants request for a grading and encroachment permit in August 2020 stating that the landowner only had a 20-24 foot wide easement for the project entrance. The entrance had been approved by the County at 56-100 feet wide. The developer sued the City and won. The City chose in April 2022 not to pursue an appeal even with the judge’s order relinquishing all rights for any permits within the City.
  • Petitioners (us) have won twice (once at the Superior Court and four times at the Appellate Court). The most recent win required the County of Orange to correct the Environmental Impact Report–specifically the greenhouse gas section.  This was the fourth time the project applicant had to fix the project and environmental document and go back before the Board of Supervisors. It was approved 3-2 in August 2019 with Wagner and Chaffee dissenting.
  • The community group Protect Our Homes and Hills took the lead in filing a lawsuit against the County of Orange and City of Yorba Linda.  Hills For Everyone, California Native Plant Society, Endangered Habitats League and Friends of Harbors, Beaches and Parks are co-petitioners in the suit.
  • The project’s Environmental Impact Report was certified by the Orange County Board of Supervisors on March 10, 2015. it has been successfully challenged numerous times.


  • The Esperanza Hills/ project proposes approximately 340 units on over 469 acres.
  • Esperanza Hills proposes its only daily access on Stonehaven.  The emergency access is proposed through Cielo Vista, but the easement may be overburdened by the density of the Esperanza Hills project and is set for hearing in April 2018.
  • The November 2008 Freeway Complex Fire burned this site down and stalled consideration of the projects. It burned again in the 2020 Blue Ridge Fire.