Latest Past Events

Prado Dam Field Trip

Prado Regional Park 16700 Euclid Ave., Chino,

Migration is happening! Join us as we see what’s stopping at Prado Regional Park, San Bernardino County. Entrance fee $10/car. Bring lunch and plenty of water. We will leave the Community Center parking lot at 7:00 am. We should be back in Whittier between 2:00 pm and 3:00 pm.

Beginners Bird Walk

Sycamore Canyon Preserve - Sycamore Canyon Trailhead 5040 Workman Mill, Whittier

Saturday morning beginner bird walk Sycamore Canyon Trail, Whittier, off of Workman Mill Road. The trail is located adjacent to Rose Hills Cemetery gate 17, but note that the trail is not in the cemetery! The entrance to Sycamore Canyon is a driveway just southwest of the entrance to the cemetery.

The Effects of Global Warming on Birds

Whittier Community Center 7630 Washington Ave. , Whittier

The Effect of Global Warming on Birds will be the topic for the May 19, 2016 program of the Whittier Area Audubon Society presented by Dave Weeshoff, San Fernando Valley’s Conservation Chair. “The greatest threat our birds face today is global warming.”–Audubon Chief Scientist Gary Langham. Dave Weeshoff will review the background and contents of the critically important 2014 National Audubon Report regarding Birds and Climate Change, including the report preparation, contents, results, and ways each of us can help protect our … Read More